Important Benefits of Air Ventilation Make Your Family Always Healthy

Every house needs clean air ventilation. The quality of fresh air in the house is very important for the health of its residents. A healthy house for its residents is a house with good lighting, layout, space for movement, and ventilation. Lighting in the house should be good to avoid damp areas. Means for a friend of Dekornata to allow the house to get enough sunlight. The space for movement in the house must also be determined enough to create the right flow of air in and out. With a good flow of air in and out, so that the circulation of air in the house can also be determined well. Spatial planning with good air circulation is also listed as one of the identities of a good home.

Air Ventilation

The air of a clean house can bring a lot of benefits for its residents. One of the benefits of clean air is good for lung health. To achieve good air circulation, it is necessary to have good air ventilation in the house. Air ventilation can help change air from outside to inside the room. Then what is the use of air ventilation? Come on, follow the reviews!

1. Reduce Odor and Pet Hair

If a friend of keeps animals in the house, then make sure the house has proper clean air ventilation. Pets, especially those with fur, can quickly contaminate indoor air. Unpleasant odors from pets and the hair that falls out of pets can come out through the vents, reducing the smell of the room. The dander and pollutants (fleas or mites) from our pets can affect health, so it is important to have ventilation if you have pets in the house.

2. Sterilizes Air ventilation From Pollutants

Not only outside the house, inside the house there are also pollutants that come from some items in the house. Examples include odors from household cleaners, room paint, cigarette smoke and gas stoves. By having air ventilation in the house, so that the air contaminated with these pollutants can be replaced with fresh air.

3. Reduce Air Humidity

Good air ventilation, combined with air flow and sufficient sunlight can reduce humidity in the air which can affect both health and things in the house. Humid air is not good for the health of the respiratory organs and can shorten the wooden furniture in the house.

4. Energy Saving

A house with poor ventilation can make the air feel hot, the room feels stuffy and black. Usually to outsmart many people use lights and air conditioners continuously which causes a waste of energy. Therefore, a house with the use of proper air ventilation and getting enough sunlight can save more energy because it doesn’t need to turn on the lights and use air conditioning all the time.

5. Protects Lung Health

Clean air is the key to healthy lungs. Humid and moldy room conditions can affect the health of respiratory organs. Lung diseases such as asthma are very easy to get if you live in a house with poor air circulation and humidity. So it is highly recommended to have proper air ventilation in the house, especially if you have small children.

6. Minimize the Spread of VOCs

VOC is a volatile organic compound, which is a chemical compound that easily evaporates. VOC ingredients are easily found in household materials such as cleaners, paints, furniture and carpets. In large concentrations, VOCs can turn into toxins. Therefore, with good ventilation in the house, the concentration of VOCs will decrease and be wasted so that it will not harm family members at home.

7. Squeezing the Spread of Disease

Many various diseases that can spread through the air such as flu or COVID caused by viruses. Having good air ventilation can change the air in a room that has been contaminated with viruses, germs and diseases with fresh air from outside. That way, the chances of other family members getting infected with contaminated air also decreases.

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