Types of Building Materials Used in Construction

Before designing the construction of a building, it’s good to know in advance what building materials are needed. Not only natural materials are used in construction construction, but also materials from factories.
Natural building materials get very little factory intervention, such as wood and glass. While manufacturing building materials are mostly processed in factories, such as pipes and cement. Each type has its own function.
For those of you who are planning the construction or renovation of a house, it’s good to know the types of building materials. Besides adding insight, you can at least know which building material is suitable for your home.

For expert guidance on making the right choices in your building project, A+ Construction & Remodeling specializes in tailoring solutions to your needs.

1. Bricks

We certainly know bricks as building blocks for walls. The brick itself is made of clay which is burned to a distinctive reddish color, or we usually call it brick red. In addition, bricks also have many types.
As technology develops, the use of bricks as building materials for walls begins to decline. Its popularity began to be replaced by gypsum and bamboo. Bamboo and gypsum as wall building materials are relatively cheaper than bricks. Even so, bricks remain the most commonly used building materials, especially because of their strength.

2. Mud and Clay

The use of sludge and clay, especially the amount, is very dependent on the building as desired. This also relates to the quality of the land used.
Mud mixture in sand can make building strength weaker. We recommend that mud and clay coalesce more smoothly with other building materials, such as concrete, so that no cavities can be used to dump buildings.
Conversely, clay is a building material that is very good in maintaining the balance of temperature in the room. So in the summer, the house will feel cool and in the winter, the house will feel warm.
Mud and clay retain heat to be released from time to time. So that residents of the house will not feel sudden temperature changes.

3. Stone

Batu is the longest used building material as well as the easiest to find. There are many types of stones that can be used as building materials, of course good or not depends on the purpose of construction.
Although stiff and heavy, stone is a very solid building material that can provide comprehensive protection. Even so, stones are also difficult to provide warm temperatures without using adequate heating.
As the oldest building material, stone walls have been around since humans began building. But now, cement is commonly used to glue stones to each other.

4. Straw

Like rocks, straw is also the oldest building material. In addition, grass is a good heat barrier and easily harvested. Straw is a building material that is famous for most cultures in the world.
African tribes even use straw as the only building material for their homes. Whereas in Europe alone, thatched roofs in houses are very commonly used even when entering the straw industry era began to be abandoned. Straw is now popular again. in the Netherlands for example, the thatched roof is found in many new buildings.

5. Wood

Wood includes the most commonly used building materials. Derived from trees or sometimes from fibrous plants, wood is produced into building materials, cabinets, boards, and other furniture and furniture.
Wood has a weight that can be adjusted, stays strong even though it is bent, and is more solid when compacted vertically. Wood is also suitable in all seasons. Wood as a building material is generally used to support the roof.
In the past, wood as a building material was directly used in the form of logs. The trees are just cut into the required size. But after the cutting machine is found, wood can be formed into various dimensions and shapes. This facilitates and accelerates the development process.

6. Cement

Cement is the most important building material. Without cement, other building materials such as brick and brick can not blend with each other. Cement also includes the most vital building materials in making very solid foundations.
Semen itself consists of 4 main elements, namely; limestone as the main component, clay which contains SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3, silica rock which is added when there is little SiO2 clay, and the last one is iron sand, which is added if the clay contains little Fe2O3.

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